Without a hitch 👍
Listen to Richard Allardice tell true stories of failure, capture the frequently disastrous minutiae of daily life (as parent, colleague, person), and share casual, practical tidbits for success. Expect to laugh.
Without a hitch 👍
7: Wait, what did you say? Part I
Richard Allardice
Episode 7
Today’s episode is about language and working out what things mean – generally by saying the wrong things first, and then looking back on them to either laugh or cringe. Features:
- Blurts and faux pas – when you don’t know what the right thing to say is until you’ve already said the wrong one
- Demonstrating how irony works to your secondary school students by living ironically
- A rendezvous with a supermarket checkout machine
- A starfish and a universal theory of humour
- Quaint things your five-year-old daughter says after listening to a lot of Enid Blyton books