Without a hitch 👍
Listen to Richard Allardice tell true stories of failure, capture the frequently disastrous minutiae of daily life (as parent, colleague, person), and share casual, practical tidbits for success. Expect to laugh.
Without a hitch 👍
4: Hey, teacher!
Richard Allardice
Episode 4
Today’s episode is about teaching, including what it’s like to be a teacher, plus the impression we might form of our own teachers. Features:
- A story of teaching in Japan and trying to melt the ice with difficult colleagues
- The performance of teaching gone wrong, plus trying to balance pet and family life in the background
- Burning out and leaving the teaching profession, including the responses of colleagues, and the guilt
- An almost unbelievable tale of a primary school trip to the sewage treatment plant – coordinated by a teacher who truly must have drawn the short straw